Sunday, August 4, 2013

Be a Blessing: Be Polite & Use Manners

Good Beautiful Morning/afternoon/evening to everyone :-)Today I am focusing on manners... it seems to be a forgotten mannerism in the world today.. What as shame :-(  Always when your out and about   say 'please'   'thank you'   teach your children to  say these  from babies up  so  when they reach adulthood.. it will be natural for them to treat others with   this step of respect. When you go into a  store and  happen upon a clerk who purely seems like  being there is the last place they wish to be.. smile at them.. if they  ring up your order and say nothing to you... still smile and tell them 'thank you have a nice day'  I have done this and trust me  it brings a smile to their lips and they more often than not reciprocate with ' you too' Let us be a blessing this day and always.. bring  back   being polite and using manners... especially on those who arent showing us any respect.. one by one  each small step... we can help this world to change and be more positive again. God bless you all... Have a truly fantastic, lovely day. Hugs Loves and Blessings , Barb Gadway <3

Colossians Chapter 4

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