Friday, December 1, 2017

Be a Blessing: Have an Honest Heart

debt is never too old for an honest person to pay.
If I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold. —Luke 19:8

Zacchaeus, the tree-climbing tax collector, met Jesus and was changed. He vowed to repay four times the amount of money he had dishonestly taken from others (Luke 19:8). In those days, tax collectors frequently overcharged citizens and then pocketed the extra funds. Zacchaeus’ eagerness to pay back the money and to donate half of what he owned to the poor showed a significant change of heart. He had once been a taker, but after meeting Jesus he was determined to make restoration and be a giver.
Zacchaeus’ example can inspire us to make the same kind of change. When God reminds us about items we have taken, taxes left unpaid, or ways we have wronged others, we can honor Him by making it right.
I ask myself: Am I trustworthy and honorable in all my affairs? Do my words ring true? Do I speak the truth in love or do I fudge and fade the facts now and then, or exaggerate for emphasis? If so, I may turn to God with complete confidence and ask for forgiveness and for a good and honest heart—to make truthfulness an integral part of my nature. The One who has begun a good work in me is faithful. He will do it.

Today my beloved friends this brings to mind of a company near me that knowingly destroyed my parents' well by digging for a well for their golf resort part. My parents well is now dry because of this company and they have to buy all their water now. When the company head executive was confronted, he made excuses and was untruthful because he wanted it to appear that my dad {who is in his 80's} was dishonest. This company has destroyed so much more than my parents well in the community and they falsify anything negative that happens at their company such as several people have been killed at their ski resort. Yet, they falsify the reasons and what happened honestly to the now deceased people. This company makes me realize that honesty is the best policy and they are destroying their own image with people around the community by falsifying facts. Today friends, don't be like this company near me and be a false witness be an honest witness and 'own' up to any wrongs that you may have committed and apologize for them or try to make them right. Forgive those who come to you and 'own' up to the wrong they have done to you also. Today Be a Blessing- Have an Honest Heart and Pay Your Debts with righting the wrongdoings.  BIG HUGS!!!!!!!

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