Saturday, January 6, 2018

Be a Blessing- Don't Show Partiality Treat Everyone Equally!

Treat others as you wish to be treated. Don't just be nice, but be kind to other people. That can be so rewarding. Mary Lambert Quotes

You are of more value than many sparrows. —Luke 12:7
Charlie Brown, the comic strip character, identified with the underdog, probably because he always felt like one. In one scene he was building a birdhouse when the cynical Lucy came by. “I’m building it for sparrows,” Charlie told her. Lucy said, “For sparrows? Nobody builds birdhouses for sparrows.” “I do,” replied Charlie Brown. “I always stick up for the underbird.”
At times Christians may overlook the “sparrows,” the little people in their worlds. They may ignore those they view as less valuable.
James said it’s wrong for a Christian to practice partiality (James 2:1). It’s a sin to show personal favoritism (v.9). The reasons may be social, economic, educational, or ethnic, but there’s no excuse for disrespecting people with our attitudes and words.
Jesus didn’t do this. He crossed all kinds of traditional barriers to talk with tax-collectors, sinners, non-Jews, people of mixed races, the poor, as well as the rich. He came to identify with each of us, and to pay the price on the cross for all our sins.
When a sparrow falls, the Father takes note of it. But He cares much more for people, including the “underbird.” Perhaps we need a little more Charlie Brown in us.
Lord, help me to love the way that You love
The humble, the lowly, the meek;
And help me to care the way that You care
For sinners, the outcasts, the weak. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Today dear friends, I encourage you to be hospitable and courteous to all, regardless of their race, social status, or appearance. When we show favoritism, we sin against people whom God loves and for whom Christ died. Let’s be gracious to everyone and be careful to avoid showing partiality. And always remember there is no place for prejudice or favoritism in the family of God. We who have been born again through faith in Jesus are equals in God’s sight. And that equality should be evident in the way we treat other believers. Today, Be a Blessing- Don't Show Partiality Treat Everyone Equally! ðŸ˜Š❤

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