Saturday, November 18, 2017

Be a Blessing - Be Thankful

Be a Blessing: Be Thankful Every Day
Thanksgiving is not just a day but a way of life.

We have so much to be thankful for every day. God continually provides for all our needs.  Giving thanks to God for His goodness and provision is to be a continuing celebration for His people.

I am thankful every day not just for the big surprises and daily things that happen, I am also thankful for the small surprises and daily small steps. I am a mom to a 16-year-old with multiple disabilities and  I hope through this blog to give hope to another parent facing daily struggles due to having a child/children with disabilities. Each day there are struggles but also each day there are blessings too. I have taken some time off from blogging for life reasons but I am hoping and praying to begin again. :) I hope to bring some inspiration and smiles to those who are caregivers for a child/children who have a disability. Let us treat each day as Thanksgiving with thankful hearts. Let us find one thing each day that brings a blessing to our hearts and praise God above for gracing us that blessing. 
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! —1 Chronicles 16:34

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