Saturday, November 18, 2017

Schizophrenia Caregiver tips and helps

Like I wrote in my previous post, I am a caregiver for a 16-year-old with disabilities. I am going to do several tips and helps blogs with websites that give great information that may help or inspire you in your daily journey as a caregiver.

I am going to focus this blog on some websites that give information on helping to care for a child or someone with schizophrenia.  The first website  URL is

One portion of this website that I found helpful was : Knowing what to do for the symptoms of psychosis can be very difficult because you may not know what to say or do. This can be a very stressful and confusing time for everyone, so just know that there isn’t really a “right” thing to say or a “correct” way to behave or react. There are some things that you can keep in mind that may be helpful. Try and understand what the person may be experiencing, like hallucinations or delusions, which will seem very real to them. Try not to take anything that they may say personally, keeping in mind that they aren’t behaving and talking as they normally would. Avoid long debates in which you try to convince them that their delusions or hallucinations aren't real, because this will make them feel like they can't talk to you about what they’re going through. Try to find things to talk about that are neutral, instead of concentrating on their mistaken beliefs; this will most likely not upset them or get you frustrated. As tempting as it may be, don’t go along with their delusions or hallucinations, just listen and sympathize with what the person is experiencing. You might want to say something like, although you’re finding it difficult to understand what they are going through, you do realize that they must be very scared, frustrated, or angry. If it’s at all possible, try and minimize the stress and stimulation around the home during these times. Also, when someone is experiencing or recovering from a psychosis, they can almost seem child-like, and may need your help in making decisions. Show your concern and care for the person by avoiding confrontations, and not criticizing or blaming them.
I found this information particularly helpful when dealing with psychosis episodes with my son. I hope it helps you too. 
Another website URL that had useful and helpful information is:
If you have specific questions and would like to join a group of others like you that care for someone with schizophrenia please check out and ask to join;  I have joined it already and found it invaluable. 
I pray that this blog has helped another who is a caregiver and sometimes has questions that need answers. Much love and blessings to all! 

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