Thursday, August 1, 2013

Be a Blessing.... Hugs Loves and Blessings.... Have an awesome weekend

Bright Blessings! May your day /afternoon/evening be filled with lots of sunshine today and always.My autistic son's birthday is   soon he turns the ripe old age of 12.... so today I will  be posting  some fave quotes and pictures to bless you with. May  something I post  or I have posted   blessed your heart  in some way... I aim to bless you not distress you <3  I will be taking a break from   the computer and posting/ blogging  over the weekend  and will post/blog again   on Monday or Tuesday.  Feel free to re-read  any/all my previous blogs :-)  God bless you all and I wish each of you a wonderful happy blessed weekend <3  God bless you, Barb Gadway  Hugs  Loves and Blessings <3

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.  – Groucho Marx

The way to happiness:  Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.  Live simply, expect little, give much.  Fill your life with love.  Scatter sunshine.  Forget self, think of others.  Do as you would be done by.  Try this for a week and you will be surprised – H. C. Mattern

Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful. Such attitudes are active and definite factors in creating satisfactory conditions. Watch your manner of speech then if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. – Norman Vincent Peale

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.  – Brian Tracy

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.


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