Monday, August 12, 2013

Be a Blessing Pass it On Comfort Others

 Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all. I like to daily read Our Daily Bread.. it gives me a comfort in reading an encouraging word especially when it comes to helping others. I hope this excerpt from the Our Daily Bread website  encourages you and uplifts your soul and gives you more of an understanding why  we  comfort others ... we understand  what it is like  to be hurt or discouraged... and we also know how it feels when we have someone  to give us comfort in our time of need. Having compassion  and empathy is a virtue that is also a necessity on this earth in  the daily struggles  of our brothers and sisters. Be a Blessing Pass it on... Comfort Others  sending Hugs Loves and Blessings to you all  XOXO  <3  God bless, Barb Gadway  <3


Pass It On

I’ve noticed through the years that those who have suffered are quick to comfort other sufferers. When a young couple suffers the loss of a child, another couple who also lost a child in the past asks if they can help. If a couple loses their main income, almost immediately another couple steps forward to offer their aid, remembering their own journey through foreclosure years earlier. Again and again we see the body of Christ supporting and encouraging one another. These Christians have learned that they can use the trials they’ve been through to reach out to others going through similar difficulties.
Have you been sick? Lost a loved one? Been imprisoned? Unfairly treated? In all of our trials, God promises to bring something good out of even our darkest moments (James 1:2-4). One key way this takes place is when we share the comfort He offered us with those who are now going through trials.
As Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, we are comforted by a Savior who knows our suffering, and we honor Him when we pass His comfort on to still others.
May we never leave someone to suffer alone. If we know the trail another is on, God will help us to guide that person to His presence—the surest comfort of all.
Dear Lord, help us to step forward when
others around us are suffering trials similar to
what we’ve been through. Enable us to be a
comfort, as You have been to us in the past.
God comforts us so that we can comfort others

As you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. —2 Corinthians 1:7

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