Sunday, June 30, 2013

Be a Blessing: Give a Listening Ear

Blessings for a gorgeous marvelous monday  May the beginning of the week bring you Happiness Peace and Love  Today I urge you to be a blessing to another by just simply listening.Listen to their thoughts their plans their hurts . Don't we all at times just need a listening ear. What a simplistic  way to show another you care. So today   Be a blessing Give a Listening Ear <3  God Bless, Barb Gadway 

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” 
― Leo Buscaglia

The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” 
― Ralph G. Nichols

Teach Me To Listen

by PAUL on JANUARY 11, 2010
Ear 1The following prayer was composed by John Veltri, S.J., a Canadian spiritual director and expert guide for those presenting the Spiritual Exercises.  He died in 2008.  May he rest in peace.
Teach me to listen, O God, to those nearest me, my family, my friends, my co-workers.
Help me to be aware that no matter what words I hear, the message is, “Accept the person I am. Listen to me.”
Teach me to listen, my caring God, to those far from me– the whisper of the hopeless, the plea of the forgotten, the cry of the anguished.
Teach me to listen, O God my Mother, to myself. Help me to be less afraid to trust the voice inside — in the deepest part of me.
Teach me to listen, Holy Spirit, for your voice — in busyness and in boredom, in certainty and doubt, in noise and in silence.
Teach me, Lord, to listen.  Amen.

Mark 4:24 ESV 

And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Be a Blessing: Simply Try a Little Kindness

Blessings for a Beautiful day Hope everyone is having a day filled with smiles and loves. Todays blessing is simply to try a little Kindness.... The song Try a little Kindness has been my motto to live by since I was a child.. its easy... its free.... and its heart healthy  and NO CALORIES :-)  enjoy the lyrics to the song and copy paste and google the link below to enjoy  the video  and today Be a Blessing: Try a little Kindness on a sister or a brother .  God bless, Barb Gadway 

Try A Little Kindness lyrics

Songwriters: AUSTIN, BOBBY/SAPAUGH, CURTIf you see your brother standin' by the roadWith a heavy load from the seeds he sowedAnd if you see your sister fallin' by the wayJust stop and say you're goin' the wrong way
You've got to try a little kindnessYes, show a little kindnessShine your light for everyone to seeAnd if you'll try a little kindness then you'll overlook the blindnessOf the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets
Don't walk around the downAnd out lend a helping hand instead of doubtAnd the kindness that you show every day
Will help someone along their way
You've got to try a little kindnessYes, show a little kindnessShine your light for everyone to seeAnd if you'll try a little kindness then you'll overlook the blindnessOf the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets
You've got to try a little kindnessYes, show a little kindnessShine your light for everyone to seeAnd if you'll try a little kindness then you'll overlook the blindnessOf the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets

Hebrews 6:10 - 

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Be a Blessing: Be a Friend

Always be a friend one to another... always show  each other kindness... use  kind words and actions.... remember that to make a friend , you must first be a friend to them. Today befriend a total stranger... be a blessing  ... be a friend . Smile.... wave.... say Good day  to another that you meet in lifes pathway today. Bring a smile to their faces and heart and to yours . Be a blessing: Be a Friend.  God Bless, Barb Gadway <3

“My heart is warm with the friends I make,
And better friends I'll not be knowing,
Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
No matter where it's going.” 
― Edna St. Vincent MillayThe Selected Poetry

Gracious acceptance is an art - an art which most never bother to cultivate. We think that we have to learn how to give, but we forget about accepting things, which can be much harder than giving.... Accepting another person's gift is allowing him to express his feelings for you.” 
― Alexander McCall SmithLove Over Scotland
Proverbs17:17 NIV 
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Be a Blessing: Give Hugs Hugs and More Hugs

The Power of a Hug

A few years ago, a set of twins were born. They were kept in separate incubators as usual, but one of them was not expected to live.

One of the nurses, going against hospital policy, placed both babies in the same incubator. As soon as they were reunited, the healthier twin threw her arm over her weaker sister in an endearing embrace. What happened? The little sister's temperature rose to normal and her heart rate stabilized, and she survived!

Both babies thrived and went home together. At home they continued to share a crib and were always snuggling closely. Today they are happy pre-schoolers.

Did the hospital change its policy? You bet it did! After seeing the effects of putting the two girls together, they now put siblings together. How about that! You can never underestimate the value of a hug!

Let's not forget to embrace the ones we love. May all your days be filled with hugs!
Author: Unknown

A silent hug means a thousand words to an unhappy heart." unknown author

Today I encourage you to reach out and  hug. As the quote says    a hug says a thousand words to an unhappy heart . Everybody on the face of the earth  can always use a hug  you yourself do at times too. So today and everyday be a blessing....   give  a hug <3  {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you    God bless, Barb Gadway

1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy,  brotherly love,  a tender heart, and  a humble mind.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Be a Blessing: Show Charity towards Another

The most treasured and sacred moments of our lives are those filled with the spirit of love. The greater the measure of our love, the greater is our joy. In the end, the development of such love is the true measure of success in life.” 
― Joseph B Wirthlin

Giving Love.....  Giving charity to one another is todays  be a blessing  message.  The words above  by Joesph B Wirthlin  are  so true  greater is our joy  with each act of charity given to another. If each one would make a commitment to each day    show one act of charity to another ... we could  do our part to bringing peace on earth.   And tell  those you  bless  to pass it on .  Showing charity to others is free to give but priceless in what it accomplishes . :-)

There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt

We all at some point in our lives face a down moment in time ..... what a blessing it was for someone to just  smile at us then  or hug us and tell us  they care.... Remember those times you were at that moment and what it was like  for another to show us love....  it will make it so much easier for you to  give that charity to another even if  the day isnt going as planned. Be a Blessing today.... Show charity towards another. God bless, Barb Gadway <3

Hebrews 13:2
Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Be a Blessing: Dare to be a Blessing :-)

One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today. Say "I love you", "I'm sorry", "I appreciate you", "I'm proud of you"...whatever you're feeling. Send random texts, write a cute note, embrace your truth and share it...cause a smile today for someone else...and give plenty of hugs.
“Dare to Be

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

What awesome words today lets dare to be a blessing  dare to touch anothers life with positivity.  Give tons of Hugs   share lots of Smiles  Shower them with words of kindness. Get out there today and everyday and make a difference in anothers life  Dare to be a Blessing to them and everyone you meet. today and everyday I send  many HUGS  and lots of LOVE to each of you!!!!! You all are totally a Blessing to me !!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 God bless, Barb Gadway

1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 ESV / 21 helpful v

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Be a Blessing: Some Ways to Be a Blessing to Others

. Helping others will teach your kids that by being compassionate and industrious, they can make a difference in the world.

1. Make birthday or get-well cards for people in hospitals and convalescent homes—great for younger kids. Contact the organization for a list of names and birthdays.
2. Build a playground for kids with physical disabilities—a great service activity for dads and older sons to do together.
3. Collect crazy and fun hats for kids receiving chemotherapy treatments in the local hospital.
4. Organize a coat drive in which old coats are donated for needy people—this can also be done with any clothing or food items, simply make flyers to spread the word!
5. Volunteer at the Humane Society or local animal shelters—children love animals, so give them an opportunity to put their love into action! They can walk, play with, or feed the animals.
6. Collect your children's old stuffed animals and dolls, clean them up, and donate them to a homeless or women's shelter. This one is great for getting your kids involved!
7. Contact your local city officials and volunteer to clean graffiti off of neighborhood walls and buildings, or, if it's permanent, paint a mural over the graffiti. A great activity for artistic kids.
8. Help cook and/or serve a meal at homeless shelter. Check the local yellow pages for homeless shelters and soup kitchens in your area.
9. Make care kits with soap, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc. for the homeless or for military personnel.
10. Volunteer to clean up trash at a community event, county fair, or alongside public roads.

11. Work with Habitat for Humanity to help build homes for families who need them.
12. Do yard work such as mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, or planting flowers and trees for elderly or disabled people—check with your local senior citizens center or place of worship for a list of people in need.
13. Visit a Nursing Home—your kids can play games with, read books to, or just talk with the elderly. Your youthful, cheerful kids will be sure to brighten their day, and your kids will learn a lot by talking with the elderly about the past.

14. Make holiday celebration baskets (such as for the 4th of July) filled with festive goodies for nursing homes, neighbors or homeless shelters. Let your kids fill and decorate them.
15. Organize a backpack and school supply drive for needy children—ideal for the summer before kids go back to school. Check with your local school for a list of needed supplies.
16. Hold a charity carnival. Plan a carnival for your backyard with carnival games, refreshments, and prizes. Invite friends by making flyers and charge a fee for entrance. Donate all the proceeds to charity. 
17. Help repair or landscape churches or community centers that are in bad shape. This one is great for getting the whole family involved.
18. Raise money by having a bake sale, garage sale, lemonade stand, or car wash and donate the money to charity.
19. Knit or crochet blankets or scarves for homeless or women's shelters—ideal for girls 10 and up, and also a great way for them to learn a new skill!
20. Work together to write and prepare a puppet show and present it at a children's hospital.

Here are some ways in which you can make a difference in anothers life and be a blessing to them.   Always use   kind words  to others   Hug them    help them in big ways or little ways. Strive to be a blessing to another each and everyday. Your soul will thank you :-)  many Hugs and loves  <3

When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness... all the good things.” 
― Maya Angelou

Romans 13:8  Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

God bless, Barb Gadway <3  {  the ways are taken from below link }

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Be a Blessing: Use Words of Kindness

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” 
― Lao Tzu

Today I urge you to greet someone with a smile and a kind word. it is easy sometimes to use hurtful words and thoughts towards another, especially if they wronged you, but  it leaves you with a feeling inside  of unhappiness and anger. Do the opposite, when they hurt you kill them with kindness , your soul will sing you will feel uplifted and more happy and proud of yourself  for doing so.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” 
― Kahlil GibranThe Essential Kahlil Gibran

This is so true... if you don't believe it.... try it today.. Go up to someone  smile and give them a word of kindness .   Watch their faces and souls light up right in front of you. And then watch your soul  shine too. :-) Always use words of encouragement  and kindness.... please start today. Be a blessing  and a lesson to others  show them one step at a time that positivity WORKS!!!!!  So today  I encourage you to be a blessing by using words of kindness  towards others. HUGS and much Love <3 God bless, Barb Gadway

Proverbs 16:7 
When a man's ways please the LORD,
he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Be a Blessing: Be Tolerant of Others

Tolerance of Others

Definition: Willingness or ability to accept the views, beliefs, practices, etc., of others that differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry (bias, discrimination) or prejudice. In the Bible, long-suffering, patience, and forbearance are all closely related to tolerance of others.

Never judge someone 
By the way he looks 
Or a book by the way it's covered; 
For inside those tattered pages, 
There's a lot to be discovered” 
― Stephen Cosgrove

I love this quote  it is so true and one we must practice daily in our lives... how quick are we to see someone on the street perhaps dressed shabbily and we judge them on their dress  or their race or other factors :-( .  Always remember for everyone that judges another there is  someone out there  judges you too.And when you hear them or find out , it hurts ... it stings... why would you wish to inflict this on another that is your  human brother /sister. We are all family every last one of us on the face of this earth. It doesnt matter  our color... our religion... our political affiliations... we are all family. My blessing lesson for today.. be a Blessing Be tolerant ... Do not  pre -judge. before you really know them and  have been in their shoes.  God bless, Barb Gadway

All men are made one for another: either then teach them better or bear with them.” 
― Marcus AureliusMeditations

Psalms 133:1  Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Be a Blessing: The Power in a Hug

A Hug is one of the most basic ways two human beings touch. There is power in a hug.
A hug can break down barriers that sometimes words cannot do. At times, it can speak more than any words can say. We bond with a hug. We find comfort with a hug. We greet and separate from each other with a hug. We establish human contact and interaction with a hug. The beauty of a hug is in its simplicity. The gesture towards another human being, known or unknown, is easy. It costs nothing but a simple act of caring and kindness.

Hugs should be available at the medical stores 24/7. Sometimes, they are the best healers for almost everything.” 
― Minhal Mehdi

Today I urge each of you to simply hug someone . If  a family  member or co-worker or neighbor looks sad and forlorn  go right up to them and state " I thought you could use one of these" and hug them . Even if  they dont look  sad or forlorn, hug them and tell them how they have blessed your life.  Be a blessing today..... HUG....   no other gesture  means so much in the simple act of caring and kindness. They not only cure a sad face they warm the heart.  Share a Hug with someone today.  God Bless, Barb Gadway

Colossians 3:12-13  Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved,  compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and,  if one has a complaint against another,  forgiving each other;  as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Be a Blessing : Forgiveness

The art of forgiveness

When I learn the art of forgiveness,
All the pain inside will melt away
And then I will be prepared to say
All the words that make my heart
Bleed every single night and day.
When I learn the fragile art of wanting
Less than life can give me I will be free
From what still chains my soul but I (in
My stupid blindness) can’t really see.
I guess I am the one who’s got the key.
When I open my bruised hands to fate
And pour my tired heart out just to you,
I will believe more in sweet miracles and
Maybe I will finally encounter myself again
And bury the sorrows that still remain.
written by:
Karla Bardanza

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." - Robert Muller

Bless  someone who  has done something to you that you didnt  care for. FORGIVE them and move on.... Your heart will be overcome with peace and the sun will seem much brighter  the day more pleasant... a smile will creep across your face and in your soul.  Be  a Blessing today forgive another  God bless, Barb Gadway

Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Be a Blessing: Share a Smile

A Smile Is Contagious 
A smile costs nothing, but gives much. :)
It enriches those who give it. It takes but a moment,
but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty
that he can get along without it,
and none is so poor
that he cannot be made richer by it.
A smile creates happiness in the home,
promotes good will in business,
and is the cornerstone of friendship.:)
It can perk up the weary,
bring cheer to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad,
and is nature's best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value to anyone
until it is given away. :)
When people are too tired to give you a smile,
give them one of yours.
No one needs a smile so much
as he who has none to give
Author Unknown
Share a Smile with a total stranger or a familiar face.... Be a blessing  today!!!! <3 God Bless    Barb Gadway

Proverbs 15:30  A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. (NIV)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Be a Blessing Dont just talk LOVE ACT LOVE

Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” 
― Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dont just talk LOVE..... ACT LOVE.... these are mighty words but it takes very little to accomplish  acts of love. And a lot of the ways to act love are free... so in your quest to a more uplifting positive life... you can start TODAY!!!!!  Go to a family member ... neighbor.... co-worker... and smile and give them a positive statement about  them. Example: that is a lovely shade on you   it makes you seem like a ray of sunshine. or Hug them  and tell them you are always there when they need an ear.  Being positive  even in small steps   can  even  be a positive blessing for your health and brightening someones day with a kind word  can improve their overall health too. Watch them brighten right in front of your eyes.  So starting today... Don't just talk LOVE  ACT LOVE.

God bless,
Barb Gadway

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” 
― Steve MaraboliLife, the Truth, and Being Free

John 14:27 ESV / 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Be A Blessing: Help Another

I expect to pass through life but once.  If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.  ~William Penn

I love this quote and try to live by it daily. We each should strive to bless someone by a simple act of kindness each day. By doing so, little by little, we can help to stamp out negativity in our lives  and in theirs. We can make the bad days seem less so.

Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.  ~Wilfred Grenfell

Do something worthwhile this day forward and everyday  show a little kindness and help another .

Hebrews 13:16 - Doing Good and Sharing
And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased.   God bless and HUGS Barb Gadway <3

Friday, June 14, 2013

Be a Blessing : Compassion

Helping strangers, as if they were kin, is a highly beneficial spiritual practice. Regular acts of compassion require that self-centred impulses take second place to those of a deeply-seated, naturally compassionate, spiritual self; and a noble attitude ensures that helpful ‘service' differs completely from demeaning ‘servitude'.

  • The way of celebration: gratitude
  • The way of generativity: helping others grow
  • The way of forgiveness: set yourself free
  • The way of courage: speak up, speak out
  • The way of humor: connect with joy
  • The way of respect: look deeper and find value
  • The way of compassion: feel for others
  • The way of loyalty: love across time
  • The way of listening: offer deep presence
  • The way of creativity: invent and innovate
The Way of Compassion: Feeling for others
Compassion involves an immediate impulse to act whenever we encounter another's pain. This is a classical human strength that promotes health through a variety of mechanisms. It causes release within the brain of a hormone, oxytocin, which floods the nervous system and is reliably associated with mother-child pair-bonding and other powerful feel-good experiences like connectedness and spirituality. Paradoxically, researchers have found, compassion involves the ability to sense and empathize with another person's pain, yet still trigger positive feelings within you.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed.

Compassion is much needed in this world today . There are so many that honestly care less about others and care more for themselves...if it doesnt benefit them in some way they just arent interested. How sad :-( I encourage all to do an act of compassion to another today. Encourage them with a smile...a hug.... a kind word. You will not only bless them but will bless yourself too. Be a Blessing today show compassion. God bless and much love  <3 Barb Gadway 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Be a Blessing: Having Gratitude

Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything, This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.
Alan Cohen

Always be grateful each day for something..even when it seems the world is closing in on you and drowning you. For starters  you are are fairly have someone somewhere that cares about you namely God and me if no one else seems too. Keep imagining the first blossom showing its face  in the height of winter finally coming to a close. Remember how that feels within your heart. It brings a warmth and slight joy the worst is over. Being grateful for something even miniscule  feels the same way. So smile :-)  today is a blessing even if there is a lesson within it .

1 Thessalonians 3:9, NIV How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

 This is exactly how I feel and had to share. We should all strive to encourage our brothers an sisters, bring them up  not make them down, and do this daily. Be a blessing today.
Make me a Blessing, Lord!

Make me a blessing, Lord! Help me

To help those needing help, to be

A blessing to my fellow men.

Instruct me to speak and when

To hold my speech, when to be bold

In giving and when to withhold;

And if I have not strength enough,

Then give me strength. Lord, make me tough

With my own self but tender toward

All others. Let there be outpoured

On me the gentleness to bless

All who have need of gentleness.

Give me a word, a touch to fill

The lonely life, faith for the ill,

And courage to keep hearts up though

My own is feeling just as low.

When men have bitter things to meet

And quail and would accept defeat,

Then let me lift their eyes to see

The vision of Thy victory.

Help me to help; help me to give

The wisdom and the will to live!

written by- James Dillet Freeman

submitted by Barb Gadway