Thursday, June 27, 2013

Be a Blessing: Give Hugs Hugs and More Hugs

The Power of a Hug

A few years ago, a set of twins were born. They were kept in separate incubators as usual, but one of them was not expected to live.

One of the nurses, going against hospital policy, placed both babies in the same incubator. As soon as they were reunited, the healthier twin threw her arm over her weaker sister in an endearing embrace. What happened? The little sister's temperature rose to normal and her heart rate stabilized, and she survived!

Both babies thrived and went home together. At home they continued to share a crib and were always snuggling closely. Today they are happy pre-schoolers.

Did the hospital change its policy? You bet it did! After seeing the effects of putting the two girls together, they now put siblings together. How about that! You can never underestimate the value of a hug!

Let's not forget to embrace the ones we love. May all your days be filled with hugs!
Author: Unknown

A silent hug means a thousand words to an unhappy heart." unknown author

Today I encourage you to reach out and  hug. As the quote says    a hug says a thousand words to an unhappy heart . Everybody on the face of the earth  can always use a hug  you yourself do at times too. So today and everyday be a blessing....   give  a hug <3  {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you    God bless, Barb Gadway

1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy,  brotherly love,  a tender heart, and  a humble mind.

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