Friday, June 14, 2013

Be a Blessing : Compassion

Helping strangers, as if they were kin, is a highly beneficial spiritual practice. Regular acts of compassion require that self-centred impulses take second place to those of a deeply-seated, naturally compassionate, spiritual self; and a noble attitude ensures that helpful ‘service' differs completely from demeaning ‘servitude'.

  • The way of celebration: gratitude
  • The way of generativity: helping others grow
  • The way of forgiveness: set yourself free
  • The way of courage: speak up, speak out
  • The way of humor: connect with joy
  • The way of respect: look deeper and find value
  • The way of compassion: feel for others
  • The way of loyalty: love across time
  • The way of listening: offer deep presence
  • The way of creativity: invent and innovate
The Way of Compassion: Feeling for others
Compassion involves an immediate impulse to act whenever we encounter another's pain. This is a classical human strength that promotes health through a variety of mechanisms. It causes release within the brain of a hormone, oxytocin, which floods the nervous system and is reliably associated with mother-child pair-bonding and other powerful feel-good experiences like connectedness and spirituality. Paradoxically, researchers have found, compassion involves the ability to sense and empathize with another person's pain, yet still trigger positive feelings within you.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed.

Compassion is much needed in this world today . There are so many that honestly care less about others and care more for themselves...if it doesnt benefit them in some way they just arent interested. How sad :-( I encourage all to do an act of compassion to another today. Encourage them with a smile...a hug.... a kind word. You will not only bless them but will bless yourself too. Be a Blessing today show compassion. God bless and much love  <3 Barb Gadway 

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