Thursday, November 30, 2017

Be a Blessing - Anchor Yourself in God's Promises and Presence!

The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. —Joshua 1:9
Sometimes during the roughest parts of our life's journey, we need anchors that hold us secure in our spiritual lives. When God called Joshua to lead His people after Moses’ death, He gave him anchors of promise he could rely on in troubled times. The Lord said to him, “I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. . . . The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:5,9). God also gave Joshua and His people the “Book of the Law” to study and observe (vv.7-8). That and God’s presence were anchors the Israelites could rely on as they faced many challenges. 

An anchor resting on the storm-driven craft will never do the job. Only as it is thrown into the deep can it be effective against the wind and tide. In the same way, the person whose confidence is in himself will never experience true peace and safety. His actions are as futile as one who keeps the anchor aboard his own ship. Cast your faith into the great depths of God’s eternal love and power. Place your trust in the infinitely faithful One.”
When we’re in the middle of suffering or when doubts start threatening our faith, what are our anchors? We could start with Joshua 1:5. Although our faith may feel weak, if it’s anchored in God’s promises and presence, He will safely hold us. Today declare for yourself through trials, tribulations, or life's daily journey, “In You, O Lord, I put my trust” (Ps. 71:1). 
Today dear friends, I encourage you to lift up any burdens or problems that have been discouraging you in daily life to your anchor (God Almighty). Let Him handle your stresses and trust him to do what is best or needed for you to have peace. Today Be a Blessing-Anchor yourself in God's promises and presence. 😊❤

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