Friday, November 24, 2017

Be Blessing - Appreciate the Little Things

Oh, give thanks to the Lord! —Psalm 105:1   
Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort. -------Humphry Davy Quotes

I woke up this morning to a chilly but beautiful morning. In my memory, I imagined the subtle sounds of morning. My road used to be peaceful. Unfortunately, the WhiteTail Golf and Ski resort have ruined it's once quaintness and likeness to paradise. But I still have the memories of yesteryear, Praise the Lord! I can still imagine the sounds of wind rustling slightly through the trees in the woods. I can still imagine the birds singing to each other and also the calm stillness of serenity back then. Today, it is like living next to Daytona 500 but in the past, it truly was a slice of Heaven. I am thankful to have my memory of that time period and I am so thankful to God for letting me experience that soul-calming time period in the past. I truly appreciate those little things in my past that meant a BIG thing in my life.  When we honor God, we celebrate Him as the Source from which all goodness flows.When we praise God from our heart we find ourselves in that joyful state for which we were created. Just as a beautiful sunset or a peaceful pastoral scene points to the majesty of the Creator, so worship draws us into a close spiritual union with Him. The psalmist says, “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise . . . . The Lord is near to all who call on him” (Ps. 145:3,18).By basking in His presence we drink in the joy of His infinite love and rejoice in the One who came to redeem and restore us. “In your presence there is fullness of joy,” the psalmist says. “At your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Ps. 16:11 esv). Today, I encourage you all to Be a Blessing and Appreciate the Little Things. Give thanks to the Lord for gracing us with the remembrance of things near and dear to our hearts that we can remember and reflect upon. Even though now they might seem small, one day they will bless you in a giant way.  Sending HUGS!!!!!!!!! 

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