Thursday, November 23, 2017

What is Autism

 Do you have a child or loved one that was diagnosed with Autism and you are not sure what it all about. Here are a few videos and informational web pages and sites that I found invaluable when my son Dean was diagnosed. I hope that you find them helpful to you too in understanding Autism more. This particular website has some good information   Another website that is exceptional with information is
I am now going to share a few youtube videos that you may find helpful also:

I am going to share one more Web page or site for more information that may help :) 

I am understanding one form of  Autism through my daily life with my son but these few videos and web pages/sites helped me to understand why Dean does things in the way that he does sometimes. If your kiddo or a family member has just been diagnosed with Autism hopefully by watching the videos or reading the info on the web pages/sites will help you to understand a bit more of what your kiddo may do or why they are doing it. BIG Blessings & HUGS to you all!!!!

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