Monday, July 1, 2013

Be a Blessing Communicate with Kind Words

Be a Blessing today only use kind words to communicate... sometimes with the course of our days and lives we get easily irritated  by a simple gesture or word of  another... remember they may be in the scenario as yourself so please always respond kindly/ You can move  mountains  just with simply using kind words in all your communication.  When you think you may  come across to another unkindly.... stop.....  silently take a deep breath in and out... silently count to 10 and begin again. That will calm your spirit  and mind :-)   So today I urge to communicate  always kindly  even  if the other person isnt. Your soul will be blessed  as will the other person and it will help them in calming down and using kind words too. Hugs Loves and Blessings. Remember God loves you and so do I. God bless, Barb Gadway

Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world.
Lawrence G. Lovasik 

Proverbs 16:7 
When a man's ways please the LORD,
he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

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