Saturday, July 20, 2013

Be a Blessing: Show Hospitality to Others

Greetings!  I hope and pray that your day is truly beginning beautifully. Todays words of encouragement  show Hospitality to others. So often in todays world  it seems like simple acts of hospitality went out with the dinosaurs {so to speak}  Hospitality is something we should  practice daily. Treat everyone  regardless of color, religion, political affiliation as if they were your  immediate family... as if they live in your same house or apartment. Showing Hospitality is one of the purest forms  I believe of a way to show unconditional love.  here is a gem i found on google search   on ways you can show Hospitality outside the box  . Enjoy and feel free to get out there and show  Hospitality to others in the ways listed or add some of your own... there is never a wrong  way in showing kindness to others.

40+ "Unconventional" Ways of Showing Hospitality
  • Host a ladies' Bible study in your home
  • Invite friends over for ice cream in your front/back porch, and ask them all to bring their favorite topping
  • Host a potluck meal at a local park with several other families
  • Take a meal to someone in need (illness, new baby, recent move, loss of a loved one, etc.)
  • Invite someone out to eat at a restaurant
  • Have a friend and her child(ren) over for a playdate
  • Invite a friend to go strawberry/blueberry/apple picking with you
  • Invite a visiting pastor/missionary to your church to stay at your home overnight
  • Have some friends over for popcorn and a movie
  • Invite another family over to make s'mores in the back yard
  • Have some girlfriends over for dessert
  • Have another couple over to play board/card games after your kids are in bed
  • Offer to keep a friend's children for her while she runs some errands
  • Invite your church small group to meet in your home
  • Have a "cook off" or "bake off" with a little friendly competition where your friends all bring their favorite chili or pizza or cake or... anything, really!
  • Host a morning coffee group for other young moms
  • In the holiday season, invite friends to come over and work on projects together (gift wrapping, addressing cards) while listening to Christmas music and drinking hot chocolate/cider
  • Invite a college student or single adult from your church over for lunch after Sunday services
  • Contact the foreign exchange student organization at your local college/university for a list of international students you might invite to your home for a meal
  • Include widows in your family's holiday celebrations and everyday life
  • Encourage your older children's friends to come over and/or spend the night
  • Host a bridal/baby shower at your church or in your home
  • Take a basket of breakfast and/or healthy snack foods to a friend who recently had a baby
  • Have a group of teenagers from your church (and their un-churched friends) over for snacks/games
  • Allow your home to be used for small church gatherings (new member classes, leadership dinners, etc.)
  • As your kids get older and if you choose to homeschool, allow clubs (yearbook, chess club, newspaper) to meet in your home
  • Invite your neighbors over for a potluck "block party"
  • Host family birthday celebrations in your home instead of at a restaurant
  • Take a meal to a shut-in or elderly friend (or even a few pieces of sliced watermelon)
  • Participate in the hospitality ministry of your local church: greeting visitors, serving coffee or breakfast before services, writing notes to visitors, caring for the needs of the body, decorating the church, etc.
  • Be welcoming to overnight guests and make their stay comfortable
  • Invite new friends to join your family in specific holiday traditions: attending parades, watching fireworks, hunting for Easter eggs, decorating the Christmas tree, going caroling, etc.
  • Host a cookie or soup exchange in the late fall
  • Invite people to join you on a hike and a picnic
  • Mail homemade goodies to a college student away at school
  • Send breakfast foods (muffins, etc.) or desserts (cookies, etc.) to work with your husband to share with his coworkers
  • Invite a friend over for a walk in your neighborhood
  • Share part of your garden with a friend who doesn't have the space to have a garden of her own
  • Prepare cookies, ornaments, cards, and/or small gifts for the residents of a nursing home, then deliver the cards/gifts personally
  • After moving into a new house, host an open house so friends can stop by for cookies and lemonade and see your new home
Pray about how God might use your hands and your home in showing biblical hospitality!  Pray that He gives you creativity and intentionality to make it happen!
So today and all days  be a Blessing  Show Hospitality to Others .God Bless  Loves and many Hugs  , Barb Gadway XOXO <3
Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.” 
― Henri J.M. NouwenReaching Out

1 Peter 4:9 - 

Be hospitable to one another without complaint.

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