Pathways that seem to be marked This Way To Happiness are all over the landscape of our culture. Some people travel the money path. Others follow the way of entertainment. Still others head down the route of power or self-gratification.
The problem with those roads is that they are all dead ends and lead to frustration. The only way to happiness is the course God has clearly outlined in His Word.
God’s route to joy is found in Psalm 34. In just 14 verses, David charts a course that, when followed, leads to all the advantages we need in this world—advantages that can be ours no matter if we are rich or poor, healthy or sick, famous or unknown. The way to happiness is marked by these signs:
  • Praising God: “My soul shall make its boast in the Lord” (v.2).
  • Seeking God: “I sought the Lord, and He heard me” (v.4).
  • Fearing God: “Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!” (v.9).
  • Living for God: “Depart from evil and do good” (v.14).
Happiness comes from going God’s way. Traveling other paths will take you on a long journey to nowhere. 

Lord, we confess our tendency to rationalize everything to get what we think we want. Guide us today so that we choose to obey Your commands instead of pursuing our own desires. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

Today dear friends I encourage you that the best kind of happiness comes from the freedom we find when we accept the truth that Jesus is the way to a full and satisfying life. Today I encourage you to Be a Blessing Go and Share the TRUE Pathway to Happiness! Going the TRUE way will bring your life the most joy and contentment and satisfaction that you will ever have or see. HUGS! 😊❤